Institutional Effectiveness (1.3/7.2)

1. Establish a time line for institutional goals

One of the functions of the Imperial Valley College Planning and Budget Committee is to coordinate and integrate College plans with the budget process. Philosophically, the committee recognized that the vision and mission statements of the College should drive the planning process, but that such broad overarching statements must be focused into a set of institutional goals before annual planning timelines can be established.

As a result, the Planning and Budget Committee established a planning and budget time line which begins with the review of existing institutional goals and, if appropriate, the setting of new ones, each year. (Resp to Recom, Res Doc R1) The time line addresses the use of institutional goals in Master Plan self-studies as well as budget development.

2. Ensure that division chairs receive planning data in a timely manner and in a useful form. In addition, improve the manner in which it is made available to those who use it.

Improvement has been made in disseminating planning information in a timely manner; however, even though the process went more smoothly during the last master planning cycle, division chairs still experienced problems getting planning information in a reasonable time frame with clear guidelines. A workshop for institutional master planning was held in November, 1998, (Resp to Recom, Res Doc R2) yet division chairs were not given direction or deadlines until the Fall 1999 semester. In addition, there was confusion regarding the format to be used. During the next planning cycle, we should ensure that guidelines are clear and are distributed as soon as possible after the initial planning meeting. The guidelines should include format and deadlines.

To address the need for effective planning data, funding was acquired through Partnership for Excellence for an Institutional Research Analyst. Through the efforts of the Institutional Data Committee, a job description was generated. (Resp to Recom, Res Doc R3) This classified management position became an active part of the college's institutional research efforts beginning in May 2000. The analyst began working with division chairs Fall 2000 to ensure that the data they receive for planning and evaluation is in a useful format and that it can be accessed easily.

3. Ensure that future plans form a more direct link between the data, the institutional goals, and the operational plans listed in support of the strategic plan. Focus training attention on those units whose submissions were most vague using the work of the Student Services units as a model. More carefully identify desired unit outcomes and how these link to the organization's objectives and goals.

In 1998, representatives of all campus communities met in an institutional master planning workshop and discussed the mission and goals for the institution. At that meeting presentations were given on how to develop goals and objectives for division/department self-studies. The Student Services self-study and a division self-study were used as models. (Resp to Recom, Res Doc R3)

Departments and divisions began preparing their representative sections in September 1999 using a framework in the form of institutional goals. The goals used were those developed at the 1998 workshop. The resulting self-studies were more closely aligned with the institution's mission and goals.

After divisions and departments submitted their self-studies, administration hired a consultant in an effort to streamline the studies. This summary was released August 14, 2000, as the district's Master Plan. 

During the process, there was concern that the summary did not accurately portray the full self-studies. The Curriculum and Instruction Committee went on record to recommend that divisions have the option of using the summary or the original text. The administrative decision was to publish the 2000-2003 Master Plan summary, but to include a CD that contains all original material submitted from divisions and department. (Resp to Recom, Res Doc R4)

4.  Improve communication during the final stages of the master planning process.Improve communication generally.

Attempts were made to communicate more thoroughly with division chairs at Curriculum and Instruction Committee meetings; however, the issues regarding continuity of format and the accuracy of the edited version could have been avoided with a better communication process. The institution needs to ensure that staff who are working at the grass roots level have more information through all phases of the process, especially after they have submitted their work.  

Educational Programs (2.3)

Improve Program Review data on student enrollment, persistence, retention, grade patterns, and outcomes. Coordinate Program Review, Master Plan, and Accreditation Self-Study to minimize energy requirements of faculty for these very similar activities.

Divisions conducting Program Reviews are still experiencing frustrations and delays in obtaining data on student enrollment, persistence, retention, grade patterns, and outcomes required to complete their Program Reviews. However, there is optimism that divisions will benefit from the Institutional Research Analyst position with regard to increased availability and validity as well as improved format of research data. 

In 1998 one of the divisions that piloted a project to implement the program review process made recommendations as to how the Program Review and Master Plan Self-Studies could be integrated into one planning document. (Resp to Recom, Rec Doc R5) At present, that plan has not been implemented. 

As far as coordinating the Accreditation Self-Study with Program Review and Master Planning, no plan has been formulated. One of the recommendations of this Application for Accreditation is to create an Accreditation Standing Committee to develop ongoing research and evaluation for Accreditation. If this committee is created, the process for accreditation would be improved for all staff.

Student Support and Development (3.1)
Strengthen fiscal and philosophical commitment to the student life program

Imperial Valley College stages campus events which celebrate ethnic and cultural diversity. These include celebrations of Black History Week, French film series, Disability Awareness Week, Cinco de Mayo, the Posadas, and the Cultural Fair. There are also 13 student clubs active on campus. These represent a variety of ethnic, cultural, religious, and vocational special interests. Also available are mandatory Sexual Harassment Awareness workshops for all staff.

The active co-curricular program on our campus encourages personal and civic responsibility. The Associated Student Government (ASG) has experienced voter apathy as part of their election process, yet there has been a slight increase over the years and the goals of services to the community remain in focus. Currently there are 13 active student clubs providing peer support for a variety of culturally diverse interest groups. The ASG President's Cabinet, comprised of representatives from each club, facilitates discussion. Clubs have faculty advisors who guide club leaders and monitor activities and expenditures.

The Student Life Office provides a variety of services. The ASG senators are usually enrolled in the HR 65AD class, "Students in Contemporary College Affairs," which prepares students on principles of social and political responsibility. There are several activities during the school year that reinforce civic awareness.

Imperial Valley College is committed to providing the best learning environment possible to our students, by making sure that our infrastructure and grounds are maintained in optimal condition. In addition, since the last accreditation interim visit back on October 3, 1997, Imperial Valley College has made a tremendous effort in providing sufficient fiscal support by contributing $20,435.00 annually to the IVC Associated Students accounts (approximately 62% of their total budget). These funds have allowed the Associated Students to provide a variety of extracurricular activities, which have enhanced and upgraded what was then available in the areas of shared governance, extra curricular activities, and student leadership.

Also, the Imperial Valley College Business office has taken over the complete administration of all Associated Student Accounts, Campus Organizations and Student Club accounts. This has established an excellent internal accounting control of all fiscal transactions out of the Student Life Department.

We at Imperial Valley College are confident that a full commitment to the Student Life Program has been established, both fiscally and philosophically.

Physical Resources (6.1/6.2)

1. Improve facilities

Even though our attempts to secure a major bond failed, Imperial Valley College has made significant progress in improving our facilities, in particular in the areas of Learning Services, Counseling Services, Human Resources, Food Services and Infant Toddler Care Services.

A major expansion and renovation of the library has increased its capacity by approximately 25%; these improvements first came into use with the fall 1999 semester. 

The counseling center has been upgraded with cubicles to provide areas for student consultation and Financial Aid has improved considerably by setting up cubicles to provide privacy.

The Human Resources office (formerly Personnel) was moved to a newer location greatly increasing the amount of available space. 

A new building has been constructed to house a mathematics laboratory which should be ready for student use in the fall 2000 semester. The funding for this building was secured out of Partnership for Excellence.

Improvements have been made to the cafeteria to provide a more appealing variety of food choices and to streamline the food delivery process.

A recent addition of an Infant/Toddler Center (1,440 square feet) has allowed the college to serve more students by providing them with childcare at an earlier age.

In addition to the main campus, Imperial Valley College has acquired additional leased space in the city of Calexico. This newest Extended Campus Center (7,700 square feet) provides service to the south end of the Imperial Valley.

District funding was allocated to provide offices for the Social Science Division, bringing all Social Science instructors to one centrally located area.


2. Implement a planning process for maintenance/equipment replacement

Imperial Valley College has developed a planning process for maintenance and replacement of equipment. This process is part of the development of the college's institutional master plan. (Resp to Recom, Res Doc R4) As part of the self-studies generated by each division or department, equipment replacement needs are noted and funding is allocated based on the recommendations of the Planning and Budget Committee. It has been the Planning and Budget Committee's recommendation that we utilize "soft monies" to fund equipment replacement throughout the campus. Funding has been secured from TTIP, Instructional Equipment Grant and Technology Block Grant on a yearly basis.

District funding has been allocated to replace and maintain all copy machines on campus. All copy machines are on a lease agreement to save cost in maintenance and replacement.

Governance (8.1/8.2)
1. Initiate a classified senate

There have been discussions about establishing a classified senate by a few of the classified staff. Members of the statewide classified senate board met on our campus in the fall of 1999. Since that meeting, there has been minimal interest expressed by members of the classified staff to develop a classified senate.

2. Ensure shared governance as a comprehensive concept.

The District has done a good job of developing a shared governance structure that will facilitate a shared governance process That structure is outlined below. We have delineated the roles, procedures, and functions of college committees.

With the shared governance policy in place, what is important now is to develop an environment of trust and respect that will allow the process to lead us to exchange ideas openly and freely. We are in a position to develop the spirit of shared governance where all segments of the campus have a sense of participation and believe their ideas are valued. 

To ensure shared governance is effective here, we must have both formal and informal communication, leadership must be supporting and facilitating rather than authoritative, and we must have shared development on issues in the early stages that continues as concepts and procedures are created. Finally, trust is essential.

1.  The College Council

The Board of Trustees adopted a policy to ensure faculty, staff, students, and administrators the opportunity to participate effectively in college governance through

the College Council. The College Council was recommended to the Board by the Academic Senate and the Administration.

The purpose of the Council is "to ensure faculty, staff, students, and administrators the opportunity to express their opinions and ideas at the campus level and to ensure their opinions and ideas are given every reasonable consideration. Membership of the Council consists of three elected representatives, on a rotating basis, from each group on campus. The first organizational meeting took place on November 12, 1996, and the Council has met at least once a month during the school year since then. (Resp to Recom, Res Doc R7)

There are many committees and groups on campus making important decisions, including policy recommendations, which may affect many other areas. The Council provides a forum for further discussion.

The Technical Assistance Visit by the Community College League of California on September 14, 2000, emphasized the significance of this Council and its role in participatory governance.

At a meeting with administration during this Technical Assistance Visit, the college was encouraged to evaluate the structure and practices of the College Council. The Technical Visit team determined that the structure and policy for addressing participatory governance was in place, but all newly developed policies were not being presented to the Council for information and discussion. Since then, the College Council chairperson has encouraged all staff to bring issues to the Council and has requested that all standing committees forward minutes. In the future, all new policies should be presented to the College Council which will help ensure that the intended purposes of this shared governance body are being followed.

2. The Academic Senate

The Board has also adopted a shared governance policy that elects to rely primarily on the advice and judgment of the academic senate on the following academic and professional matters:

1. Curriculum, including establishing prerequisites and placing courses within disciplines

2. Degree and certificate requirements

3. Grading policies

On the following matters, the board of trustees elects for mutual agreement between the academic senate and the board of trustees, or its designee:

4. Educational program development

5. Standards of policies regarding student preparation and success

6. College governance structures, as related to faculty roles

7. Faculty roles and development of accreditation processes

8. Policies for faculty professional development activities

9. Processes for program review

10. Processes for institutional planning and budget development (Resp to Recom, Res Doc R8)

3. The Planning and Budget Committee

Through the Academic Senate, with mutual agreement of the administration, the Board also approved the Planning and Budget Committee. This shared governance committee is charged with the following responsibilities:

1. Coordinate and integrate college plans and establish budget priorities consistent with the college's vision and missions statement, with recommendations, expressed in dollars, made to the Superintendent/President.

2. Recommend budget priorities to the Superintendent/President; final recommending authority to the Board of Trustees rests with the Superintendent/President; final approval authority rests with the Board of Trustees.

3. Review the Tentative and Adopted budgets for consistency with annual institutional goals and objectives, college plans, and the Planning and Budget Philosophy. (Resp to Recom, Res Doc R9)

Resource Documentation:

R1   Budget Development Calendar 2000-2001

R2   November 1998 Institutional Master Planning/PFE Workshop Agenda/Materials

R3   Institutional Resource Analyst Job Description September 1999

R4   2000-2003 Institutional Master Plan

R5   C&I Minutes January 27, 2000

R6   Plan to Integrate Program Review with Master Plan Self-Studies 1998-1999

R7   Board Policy (College Council Resolution)

R8   Academic Senate Handbook

R9   Board Policy 7.8

R10   Accrediting Commission Evaluation Report


Gilbert M. Dominguez   Administrator
Eileen Ford   Administrator
Carlos Fletes Administrator
Eric Jacobson   Full-Time Instructor
Victor Jaime Administrator
Jan Magno Administrator
Gary Rodgers   Full-Time Instructor
Val Rodgers   Full-Time Instructor