Distance Education

Pepper DE Support 

Imperial Valley College Distance Education offers you a way to complete classes without the usual time and location restrictions of traditional classroom instruction. Students who take Distance Education classes at IVC enjoy the flexibility and convenience while still benefiting from the same quality academic experience as our on-campus students.

IVC offers four different types of online experiences.

  1. On-Campus: Traditional courses which meet on campus and maximize collaborative, in-person learning experiences. May or may not be enriched with web-enhanced materials.
  2. Online: These courses are fully online. In an online course, all course activities are completed online; there are no required face-to-face sessions within the course and no requirement for on-campus activity. Optional face-to-face meetings are permitted. If a proctored exam is required, the exam cannot be scheduled on a particular date; the exam should be scheduled on particular week.
  3. Hybrid: These courses supplant some, but not all face-to-face instruction, reducing the time actually spent in the classroom. To schedule a hybrid course, 51% or more of the course/contact hours occur online. This designation is also given whenever students are required to come to IVC campus for any reason (testing, orientation, etc.). A hybrid course's scheduled meetings must be included in the course syllabus.
  4. Web Enhanced: These courses use online course activity to complement class sessions without reducing the number of required class meetings. The online course activity supplants a relatively small amount of the traditional classroom activity.


For more information, please contact the Distance Education Coordinator Xochitl Tirado at (760) 355-6188 or by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..