Facilities & Environmental Health & Safety

Facilities & Environmental Health and Safety Committee


The Facilities & Environmental Health and Safety Committee will meet the fourth Thursday of the month, during campus hour. The Committee will meet at least once a month. A schedule of the meetings will be provided on the website.


Community Colleges play a leading role in education, policy development, information exchange, and community outreach. The District must also provide a safe learning and working environment for its students, faculty and staff The Facilities & Environmental Health and Safety Committee recognizes the importance of these purposes and aims to lead by example. The committee will identify and recommend projects that move Imperial Valley College towards a safe, healthy and sustainable environment. The Facilities & Environmental Health and Safety Committee's purpose is to study the health, safety, physical appearance and sustainability of the entire campus and all buildings and to formulate policy and procedures for its safety, health operations, growth, cleanliness, beautification, development and environmental stewardship.


The Facilities & Environmental Health and Safety Committee will advocate for the health, safety, appearance and sustainability of the facilities and grounds of Imperial Valley College. The committee also ensures that the District safety programs and procedures are in compliance with

state and federal statutes and regulations. The committee members will solicit and contribute ways to improve the health, safety, appearance and environmental friendliness of the college.. Members should facilitate open communication with all students, faculty, staff and other important stakeholders. It is important that all who study and work on the campus and extended campuses do so in a safe and healthy environment and maintain respect and pride for the buildings and grounds. It is the committee's charge to identify and recommend to the College Council specific actions and strategic plans the College community can pursue to move the College towards an improved workplace health and safety, greater environmental sustainability, and improvement in building appearances, including classrooms, offices, service areas, common areas, parking lots and grounds. It is further our charge to collaborate with on‐campus and off‐campus groups to implement these actions and plans and sustain them over time.


  • One District's Safety Administrator (Committee Chair)
  • One Director of Maintenance and Operations (Committee Vice Chair)
  • One administrator appointed by the Administrative Council: and 1 alternate
  • Two faculty members appointed by Academic Senate: and 1 alternate
  • One classified member appointed by CSEA: and 1 alternate
  • One CMCA member appointed by CMCA: and 1 alternate
  • One Student Representative appointed by ASG: and 1 alternate
  • One Representative of DSP&S
  • One Representative of Allied Health Department
  • One Representative of Information Technology
  • One Representative of Public Relations
  • One Representative of Child, Family and Consumer Sciences
  • One Representative of Student Health
  • Two Representative of Parking Control & Campus Safety