EEO & Diversity Advisory Committee

The purpose of the EEO & Diversity Committee is to afford the campus community a chance to provide input and make recommendations regarding EEO, diversity, processes regarding staffing, recruitment, screening, about staffing-related issues and activities, and to take action upon recommendations from feeder subcommittees. The committee will make recommendations to the shared governance committees and/or the Superintendent/President and has the following broad categories of scope within its purview:

• Policies and Procedures regarding diversity, EEO, non-discrimination, sexual harassment, complaint procedures, recruitment and screening.
• EEO & Diversity multiple measures
• EEO Plan
• Staffing Plan

At its first meeting of each academic year the EEO & Diversity Advisory Committee will set a time and place to meet agreeable to its members. The Committee will meet at least once a month during the school year. A schedule of the meetings will be provided on the website.

1. The EEO & Diversity Advisory Committee will generate its agenda from items submitted by any Committee member or any member of the campus community of Imperial Valley College.
2. The agenda will be prepared by the Chair and the Co-Chair of the EEO & Diversity Advisory Committee and distributed to the Committee members 24 hours in advance of the meeting.
3. In addition, copies of the agenda and minutes of previous meetings will be posted on the College website.

1. The following college constituencies retain all rights granted by law and/or regulations. The five groups represented in this shared governance structure are faculty, classified staff, classified managers/confidential, students, and administrators.
2. The voting members of the EEO & Diversity Advisory Committee are:
• 2 faculty members appointed by the Academic Senate and 1 alternate.
• 2 classified members appointed by CSEA and 1 alternate.
• 2 administrators: The Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO) and one other appointed by the Administrative Council and 1 alternate.
• 1 member of the Classified Management and 1 alternate
• 1 member of the Classified Confidential and 1 alternate
• 2 part-time faculty members appointed by the PTFA and 1 alternate.
• 2 students appointed by the ASG and 1 alternate.
Non-voting members include:
• The HR Administrative Assistant will be the recording secretary.
• The Human Resource Analysts will be available for consultation purposes.
3. A Co-Chair will be elected, from within the voting membership, by the members of the EEO & Diversity Advisory Committee.
4. The EEO & Diversity Advisory Committee may create ad hoc committees as needed to address college wide issues and task forces to address specific (single item) issues. 
5. The Chair of the EEO & Diversity Advisory Committee shall be the Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO), who is also a voting member (for purposes of tie breaking, etc. as outlined in Robert's Rules of Order). 
6. The Co-Chair of the EEO & Diversity Advisory Committee shall be elected for a two-year term by the committee and be a voting member. In the absence of the Chair, the Co-Chair will conduct meetings of the EEO & Diversity Advisory Committee.

1. A quorum must be present to hold a meeting. For this Committee a quorum is 4 voting members and the chair or co-chair of the committee.
2. Constituent groups may designate an alternate who may serve during a EEO & Diversity Advisory Committee meeting in the absence of the permanent member. The slate of alternates will be selected and presented to the EEO & Diversity Advisory Committee in advance for the duration of the school year.
3. Robert's Rules of Order will be used to conduct meetings.
4. Committee members will work to achieve consensus. If the Committee cannot achieve consensus, a vote following Robert's Rules of Order will be taken. Records of dissenting and minority opinion will be included in the final recommendation.

Since the Board of Trustees has established the EEO & Diversity Advisory Committee to ensure faculty, staff, students and administrators the right to participate effectively in college governance, the following procedures shall apply:

1. The EEO & Diversity Advisory Committee will allow for discussion and recommendations to be a shared process by representatives of all five constituent groups. In addition, visitors will be allowed to share their opinions, suggestions and ideas.
2. Copies of the minutes will be posted on the College website.
3. The actions and recommendations of the EEO & Diversity Advisory Committee will be expressed in written form to the College Council, with informational reports also provided to and from the Academic Senate and the Educational Master Planning Committee (depending on the subject matter). For example, issues that fall within the purview of the Academic Senate as outlined in Assembly Bill 1725 (1988).
4. The EEO & Diversity Advisory Committee will serve as a centralized forum to share information and discuss activities, projects, programs, and plans that have been developed, or are being developed, within its purview, and reserves the right to express its views and opinions to the Superintendent /President on any of the above.

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