Consumer Information

College NavigatorIn accordance with federal regulations set forth by The Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, below is a summary of consumer information that must be made available to all prospective students, applicants, employees and current students at Imperial Valley College (IVC). As required by federal regulation, a notice of the availability of the information listed below is emailed to each enrolled student annually.  Each topic listed gives a brief description of the information that must be disclosed and links to pages that contain the actual information or explains how it can be obtained. If you need assistance obtaining information listed or you would like a paper copy, contact the Director of Financial Aid at:

Imperial Valley College
Financial Aid Office, Building 1700
380 East Aten Road
Imperial, CA  92251

I. Information about Imperial Valley College

  1. Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
  2. Programs and Services Available to Students with Disabilities
  3. Student Body Diversity
  4. Textbook Information
  5. Voter Registration Information
  6. Transfer of Credit Policies and Articulation Agreement
  7. Career and Placement
  8. Cost of Attendance
  9. Net Price Calculator
  10. Refund Policies
  11. Withdrawal Procedures
  12. Description of Academic Programs
  13. Instructional Facilities and Computer Labs
  14. Faculty
  15. Accreditation Information
  16. Copyright Infringement
  17. Constitution Day Information
  18. Standards of Student Conduct
  19. Vaccination Policy

II. Overview of Financial Aid Programs

  1. Overview of Financial Aid Program
  2. Contact Information for Obtaining Financial Aid Assistance
  3. How to Apply for Financial Aid
  4. Eligibility for Financial Aid
  5. Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy
  6. Need-Based and Non-Need Based Federal and State Financial Aid
  7. How Eligibility for Need-Based Aid is Determined and How it is Awarded
  8. How and When Financial Aid Will be Distributed
  9. Rights and Responsibilities of Aid Recipients
  10. Return to Title IV
  11. Terms and Conditions of Federal Workstudy Employment
  12. National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS)
  13. Terms and Conditions of Direct Loan Deferments
  14. Private Educational Loan Disclosures

III. Information Regarding Student Outcomes

  1. Graduation, Transfer and Retention Rates
  2. Graduation and Retention Rates for Student Athletes
  3. Equity in Athletic Disclosure

IV. Information Regarding Health and Safety

  1. Campus Safety and Security
  2. Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program
  3. Emergency Response and Evacuation Procedures

Programs and Services Available to Students with Disabilities

The Disabled Student Program and Services (DSPS) provides support services to students with disabilities in an effort to ensure equal opportunity and participation at the college. For more information about the facilities and services available to students with disabilities, visit the department's website at Disabled Student Program and Services and College Accessibility page. We provide a variety of Accommodations for our students.

Student Body Diversity

IVC regularly reports this information to the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) which can be accessed on the College Navigator.

Gender and race/ethnicity data can be accessed on the College Navigator Enrollment tab.

Pell Grant recipients information can be accessed on the College Navigator Financial Aid tab.

Gender, demographic, and other data is also available in the Student Profile documents published regularly by the IVC department of Institutional Assessment, Research, and Planning can be found on our website at Institutional Research. In addition, diversity information is available on the IVC Student Success Scorecard monitored by the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office. For information about Student Affairs, please visit the Student Affairs website.

Textbook Information

Students can access each semester's book list at This URL can be found at IVC Bookstore. After reaching the efollett page, simply enter "Imperial Valley College" in the "Search For A School" box and then select "Imperial Valley College" from the dropdown menu click on the Search icon. On the next page, click on the "Books" link on the top menu. Every class in the schedule has a link to the booklist. Not all classes listed require texts.

Each semester's booklist is posted at the same time the class schedule is made public. Book information is listed as it becomes known through the submission of book orders from faculty. The list is updated daily.

The book list is subject to substantial change prior to, and through the course of a semester. The Textbook Refund Policy is listed here: Help/FAQ: Return Policy

Voter Registration Information

Imperial Valley College encourages eligible students to register to vote. Students may access the California Voter Registration website by logging onto the Student Portal and selecting "Register to Vote" in the top menu. Students wishing to register via voter registration card may pick one up in Admissions & Records in Building 10 or in the Student Affairs Office in Building 1000. The Student Affairs Office also organizes voter registration events periodically. Additionally, voter registration cards are provided to all graduates at the time of diploma distribution.

Transfer of Credit Policies and Articulation Agreements

Imperial Valley College's Transfer of Credit Policies can be found in our College Catalog and Class Schedules every semester.

Career and Placement

Imperial Valley College has a career services center dedicated to assisting students with the career development process and transition to professional life. In addition, IVC holds an annual Career Fair on campus every Fall. 

Cost of Attendance

Cost of Attendance: How to Read your Award Letter/Cost of Attendance
Fees: Student Fees, Refunds and Payments 
Imperial Valley University Partnership (IVUP): Tuition, Fees, and Cost of Attendance
College Navigator: NCES College Navigator

Refund Policies

The refund policy for the college can be found online at Student Fees, Refunds and Payment Plan 

Withdrawal Procedures

A student who is required to withdraw from college because of extenuating circumstances must contact the Admissions and Records Office. Extenuating circumstances are verifiable circumstances beyond the control of the student such as documented cases of a serious accident, illness, or death of an immediate family member.  (Title 5, Section 550024) If a student needs to drop their courses beyond the official drop deadline they will need to provide to Admissions and Records the following: Student Petition indicating the request to drop due to extenuating circumstances along with supporting documentation.  The Director of Admissions and Records will review the documentation submitted, consult with the appropriate faculty and determine if the student is eligible for the withdrawal.  Notification will be sent to the student regarding the final decision that was made and as appropriate appeal process information. 

If approved, the Director of Admissions and Records will input a "W" (withdrawal) for the appropriate course(s) which will be reflected on the student's transcript.  The Director will also inform the appropriate faculty.  If grades have already been posted by faculty, the Director of Admissions and Records will complete and submit Grade Change Forms to faculty for their approval to change the final grade(s) to a "W".  The Student Petition and supporting documentation will be scanned and indexed to the student's permanent record.

Academic Programs

The details for our Educational Programs can be found online within our College Catalog. You may also find additional information on our Program Pathways page which contains more information for each individual program.

Instructional Facilities and Labs

The college provides instructional facilities and computer labs needed to support each of its academic programs. Contact the chairperson for the department for specific information about the facilities and resources available to support the academic program. Departments can be found online at Divisions 


Information on the college's faculty and instructional personnel is available through Imperial Valley College's online catalog at Catalogs & Schedules (Pages 322-327) and through the Human Resources Office. You may also find Contact Information for Faculty Members in our Faculty & Staff Directory and individual Faculty Websites.

Accreditation Information

This information can be found on the website at Accreditation Website

Copyright Infringement

Copyright infringement is the act of exercising, without permission or legal authority, one or more of the exclusive rights granted to the copyright owner under section 106 of the Copyright Act (Title 17 of the United States Code). These rights include the right to reproduce or distribute a copyrighted work. In the file-sharing context, downloading or uploading substantial parts of a copyrighted work without authority constitutes an infringement. Penalties for copyright infringement include civil and criminal penalties. In general, anyone found liable for civil copyright infringement may be ordered to pay either actual damages or "statutory" damages affixed at not less than $750 and not more than $30,000 per work infringed. For "willful" infringement, a court may award up to $150,000 per work infringed. A court can, in its discretion, also assess costs and attorneys' fees. For details, see Title 17, United States Code, Sections 504, 505. Willful copyright infringement can also result in criminal penalties, including imprisonment of up to five years and fines of up to $250,000 per offense. For more information, please see the website of the U.S. Copyright Office at

The links below provide important information from Imperial Valley College regarding the appropriate use of copyrighted materials, intellectual property and computer and network use.

AP 5500 (link to pdf) outlines the expectations for honesty and integrity in the pursuit of students' academic goals, and AP 5520 (link to pdf) outlines the consequences for cheating and plagiarism, which include violation of copyright laws.

Constitution Day Information

In order to comply with the federal regulation requiring the development of educational programming to celebrate Constitution Day on September 17th of each year, Imperial Valley College's Student Affairs Office provides faculty, students and staff with access to U.S. Constitution Day educational resources, movies, toolkits and free pocket-size U.S. Constitution books.

Vaccination Policy

Imperial Valley College can request inoculation records, however, on a routine basis, it does NOT require proof of vaccinations to enroll.

Overview of Financial Aid Program

The Imperial Valley College Financial Aid Office administers an array of Federal and State Financial Aid Programs. Imperial Valley College does not participate in the Federal Loan programs, but alternative educational loans are offered by private lenders. Institutional and off-campus scholarships are administered by the Imperial Valley College Foundation Office.

Contact Information for Obtaining Financial Aid Assistance

Prospective or enrolled students who have questions about obtaining federal or state financial aid should contact the Imperial Valley College Financial Aid Office at 760-355-6266 or via our Contact Form. Questions about IVC Scholarships should be directed to the Imperial Valley College Foundation Office at 760-355-6113.  Additional contact information for specific staff members can be found on the IVC Financial Aid Contact Information page.

Need-Based and Non-Need Based Federal and State Financial Aid

Imperial Valley College has a full array of aid programs. Some are need-based and some are non-need-based as determined by the information provided and verified on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid or your application to a number of IVC Scholarships.

National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS)

The National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) is the U.S. Department of Education's central database for student financial aid records. Federal loans disbursed to students or parents will be submitted to NSLDS and will be accessible by guaranty agencies, lenders, and institutions determined to be authorized users of the data system. Student and parent borrowers can track and manage their federal student loans and grants online at NSLDS Student Access. The secured site displays information on loans and grants, including amounts, outstanding balances, and status. Student and parent borrowers can also find contact information for their loan servicer.

Terms and Conditions of Direct Loan Deferments

If you have Federal Direct Student Loans from other institutions, you may be eligible to defer payment while enrolled at Imperial Valley College. Information regarding the various deferments available to student and parent loan borrowers is available at the Department of Education web site – under "Managing Repayment" and click on the "Trouble Making Payments?" link.

Private Educational Loan Disclosures

Imperial Valley College does not participate in the Federal Student Loan Programs. Educational loans are available from a variety of private lenders, however, Imperial Valley College does not maintain or promote any specific private education loan lenders. Imperial Valley College recommends that students apply for Federal grants and other assistance under the Title IV HEA programs prior to considering private educational loans as the terms and conditions may be more favorable under these programs. Students who choose to accept a private educational loan are entitled to specific disclosures from the lender as specified in Truth in Lending 15 U.S.C. 1638(e): Click here to review the disclosures.

Some private educational loan lenders require school certification. Imperial Valley College will not certify a private educational loan without a current aid year Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FASFA) on record and all federal and state grand aid eligibility determined and processed.  Students may be eligible for federal student loans at institutions that participate in those programs. Upon request, the financial aid staff will assist a student with information necessary to complete a self-certification form. Students may access electronic self-certification forms directly from the lender's website.

Upon request, Imperial Valley College will provide the self-certification form for private education loans required under Sec. 128(e)(3) of the Truth in Lending Act (15 U.S.C. 1638(e)(3) and the information required to complete the form, to the extent that Imperial Valley College possesses the information.

Graduation, Transfer and Retention Rates

Imperial Valley College regularly reports this information to the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS). Follow these steps to access this information:

  1. Go to the IPEDS College Navigator at
  2. In the "Name of School" box type Imperial Valley College
  3. Click on the Imperial Valley College link that appears.
  4. Click on the Retention and Graduation Rates link to expand the selection.

Graduation and Retention Rates for Student-Athletes

Graduation and retention rates must be provided to student-athletes, their parents, high school coaches, and guidance counselors when an athletically related student aid offer is made. Imperial Valley College does not offer financial aid to students based on athletic ability. For information on graduation and retention rates or student success programs for student-athletes, please contact the Athletics Department.

Equity in Athletic Disclosure

As part of federally mandated Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act, information on annual participation rates and financing of men's and women's sports in intercollegiate athletic programs is available by request to students and the general public. For more information or to receive a copy of the report, contact the Athletics Departments or you can find the data online: The Equity in Athletics Data Analysis Cutting Tool

Campus Safety and Security

The Annual Security Report, known as the Clery Act Report, including the college's crime statistics, is available online before October 1st of each year. Staff, faculty, and students are notified via an email informing them where to view the report. A paper copy of the report is available upon request from the Campus Safety and Security Office.

Timely warnings that alert staff, faculty, and students whenever a serious crime takes place on campus and the suspects are at large leaving a potential risk to the college's employees, students and guests. Staff, faculty, and students would be alerted by campus-wide email as well as notices posted on building entrances campus-wide.

The Daily Crime Log is available for review at the Campus Safety and Security Office. Alleged victims of a crime of violence or non-forcible sex offense may make a written request of any disciplinary proceeding conducted by the school directly to the Student Affairs Office.

Emergency Response and Evacuation Procedures

This information can be found online at: