It is the policy of Imperial Valley College to provide a tobacco free environment for its students, faculty, staff, administrators, visitors and the general public while on this campus. The simple separation of smokers and nonsmokers within the same air space may reduce, but does not eliminate, the exposure of nonsmokers to environmental tobacco smoke, nor does the EPA recognize a safe level of exposure to environmental tobacco smoke.

Effective the FIRST DAY OF THE FALL SEMESTER 2009, Imperial Valley College shall be a tobacco-free campus. The use of any tobacco products shall be prohibited on any district properties. The sale of tobacco products on campus is prohibited.

Appropriate signs shall be posted at all entrances to campus grounds.

Smoking shall be prohibited at all times in all vehicles on campus.

The smoking prohibition applies to passenger vehicles and all other state owned mobile equipment to include light and heavy trucks, cargo, and passenger vans, buses, and any other mobile equipment with an enclose or enclosable driver/passenger compartment.

Any student or visitor found in violation of the Policy Statement will be forwarded to the Associate Dean of Student Affairs as per the Standards of Student Conduct (4) Willful persistant smoking where smoking has been prohibited.