This institutional self-study for Imperial Valley College has been developed in support of a reaffirmation of accreditation and is prepared for the review and evaluation of the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges.

Since the Imperial Valley College Application for Accreditation in 1995, the institution has undergone significant changes in key positions of leadership/management. The current Superintendent/President, Gilbert Dominguez, was hired in 1996. Three seats on the IVC Board of Trustees have been filled by new members. The institution hired a new Vice President for Academic Services, a new Vice President for Student Services, and a new Vice President for Business Services in 1999. The college hired a new Dean of Vocational Education and changed the position title to Dean of Instruction for Applied Sciences and a new Dean of Financial Aid and State Programs. New directors for Disabled Student Programs and Services and Nursing have been hired. A search for a new director of Human Resources/Affirmative Action Officer is underway.

The academic divisions of the college were realigned in 1998, with a review and the dissolution of one of the divisions in 2000. A major construction effort enlarged and expanded the Library facility. The college opened a new extended campus center in Calexico, California. Perhaps the change which has had the most significant impact on students is the implementation of a telephone registration system (STAR).

In the following sections, the institution has provided a description of the policies, procedures, and practices of the college in compliance with each of the applicable accreditation standards. The various committee and subcommittee members provide self-assessment and self-evaluation of the described policies, procedures, and practices of the college. The evaluations are candid in recognition of work accomplished and work as yet unaccomplished. This institutional self-study describes the major challenges facing Imperial Valley College in the near future. For each of the applicable accreditation standards, the committee and subcommittee members have attempted to develop specific planning agenda/action items to help the institution move toward greater effectiveness and compliance.

Standard OneInstitutional Mission

The subcommittee reviewing the institution's compliance with Standard One, Institutional Mission, found that the Mission Statement for Imperial Valley College has remained unchanged since its approval in 1981. The subcommittee's investigation found that many of the faculty, staff, and students are unaware or unfamiliar with the college's lengthy Mission Statement, as presented in the College Catalog, but were aware of the short version that is posted around the campus.

Standard Two: Institutional Integrity

The subcommittee reviewing the college's compliance with Standard Two, Institutional Integrity, found that the institution is operating with and promoting honesty and truthfulness in representing itself to the staff, students, and public. The recent action of the California Commission of Athletics to place the IVC men's basketball team on probation is described as well as actions taken by the college to ensure compliance with COA rules and guidelines in all future work with student athletes.

Standard Three: Institutional Effectiveness

The process of reviewing the institution's compliance with Standard Three, Institutional Effectiveness, revealed several major challenges to the college. The recent hiring of an Institutional Researcher is offered as a significant improvement in the way and manner in which the institution approaches its institutional research, evaluation, planning, and assessment. The subcommittee preparing this section provided additional action items for continued improvement in institutional effectiveness.

Standard FourEducational Programs

The subcommittee reviewing the college's compliance with Standard Four, Educational Programs, provided adequate evidence that the institution is in compliance with the accreditation standards. While improvements are desirable and attainable, the college does provide appropriate and sufficient college-level programs in the major disciplines for transfer, associate, and vocational education students.

Standard FiveStudent Support and Development

The subcommittee reviewing the institution's compliance with Standard Five, Student Support and Development, found that, while there exists some duplication of services as a result of distinct funding sources, the college provides adequate and appropriate services to the diverse student populations at Imperial Valley College. The members of the subcommittee for Standard Five provided planning items aimed at increasing the overall effectiveness of student services for the college.

Standard SixInformation and Learning Resources

The subcommittee evaluating the college's compliance with Standard Six, Information and Learning Resources, provided detailed information in support of the conclusions drawn and recommendations offered. The Spencer Library Media Center and learning/computer labs on main campus and at the extended campus sites provide adequate resources to the staff and students of the college. The subcommittee provided specific recommendations to increase the amount and quality of services provided.

Standard Seven: Faculty and Staff

The subcommittee reviewing the institution's compliance with Standard Seven, Faculty and Staff, demonstrated that adequate and qualified full-time and part-time faculty and staff are available at Imperial Valley College. The subcommittee noted significant improvements made at the college since the 1995 Application for Accreditation, and described some of the weaknesses in the areas of diversity and preparation among the faculty with specific recommendations for improvements.

Standard Eight Physical Resources

The subcommittee investigating the college's compliance with Standard Eight, Physical Resources, provided information on main campus and extended campus sites, day and evening and weekend class offerings, and the maintenance and operation of the buildings and grounds. The section demonstrates that the college is in compliance with accreditation standards.

Standard Nine: Financial Resources

The subcommittee reviewing the institution's compliance with Standard Nine, Financial Resources, documented significant improvement in the areas of fiscal management at the college since the 1995 Application for Accreditation. Recommendations are provided to improve the college's fiscal planning and stability in the future.

Standard Ten: Governance and Administration

The subcommittee evaluating the college's compliance with Standard Ten, Governance and Administration, noted some of the most significant changes that have occurred at Imperial Valley College since the 1995 Application for Accreditation and describes some of the major challenges facing the institution in the near future. Candid evaluation and specific recommendations are given.

Planning Summary

In this section, the institution brings together in a coherent form those recommendations and proposed action items given in the ten standard areas. The planning agenda/action items are synthesized into a manageable format from which they can be linked with the Institutional Master Plan for prioritization and implementation.