1. Authority

Imperial Valley College is accredited by the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges.

2. Mission
The current mission statement is in the General Catalog and the Master Plan. It was approved by the Board of Trustees, June 10, 1981. It identifies the institution, its educational purposes, its students, and its place in the higher education community.
3. Governing Board

A seven-member Board of Trustees is elected by a countywide vote, and each Board member represents one of seven high school districts within the Imperial Community College District which governs Imperial Valley College. 

The board is an independent policy-making body, capable of reflecting constituent and public interest in board activities and decisions. The majority of the board members have no employment, family, or personal financial interest in the institution.

4. Chief Executive Officer

The Board selects and employs a chief executive officer through a broad-based hiring committee which screens and interviews candidates and recommends to the Board. The chief executive officer's primary responsibility is to the institution.

5. Administrative Capacity

Imperial Valley College, in its policies and procedures, has always maintained that hiring of qualified staff and faculty is of prime importance. The institution has sufficient staff with appropriate preparation and experience to provide the administrative services necessary to support its mission and purpose.

6. Operational Status
Students are enrolled in a variety of courses that lead to certificates, associate degrees, and transfer. The majority of courses are transferable and the curriculum is comprehensive.

7. Degrees

A substantial portion of educational offerings at Imperial Valley College are programs that lead to degrees, and a significant proportion of our students are enrolled in those programs. From Summer 1990 through Spring 2000, Imperial Valley College has awarded more than 4,300 degrees and certificates to students completing programs of study. The following breakdown of student educational goals is from the 1999-2000 Fact Book:

  42% indicate that they want to transfer
  12.5% are seeking an associate degree or certificate without transfer
  12.2% have a career or employment related goal
  12.5% are undecided about their educational goals
  8% report "basic skills" as their goal
  12.8% attend IVC for other reasons, including self-improvement
8. Educational Programs

Imperial Valley College's degree programs are congruent with its mission, are based on recognized higher education field(s) of study, are of sufficient content and length, and are conducted at levels of quality and rigor appropriate to the degrees offered. 

9. Academic Credit
Academic credit is based on Title 5 – 55002.5.
10. Educational Objectives

Imperial Valley College defines and publishes program educational objectives in the Mission and Goals statement in the General Catalog and in course outlines. In addition, a broad objective is published in the Student Handbook and Academic Planner.

11. General Education

Programs are designed to incorporate a substantial component of general education to ensure breadth of knowledge and promote intellectual inquiry. The general education component includes demonstrated competence in writing and computational skills and an introduction to some of the major areas of knowledge. Degree credit for general education programs is consistent with levels of quality and rigor appropriate to higher education.

12. Faculty

Imperial Valley College employs 119 full-time faculty and 280 part-time faculty who serve approximately 6,900 students by providing them with quality programs. Almost every full-time faculty member has a graduate degree in his or her area of expertise and areas of primary teaching responsibilities. Part-time faculty members are also required to hold a graduate degree in their area of primary teaching responsibility or meet the criteria for equivalency. Faculty responsibilities are stated in the Board Policy Manual and in the Agreement Between the Imperial Community College District and the Imperial Valley College Chapter of the California Community College Teachers Association/National Education Association.

13. Student Services

Student needs are met through services directed by the Vice President for Student Services, including Admissions and Records, Financial Aid and Scholarships, Student Government, Disabled Student Programs and Services, Career Center, Transfer Center, Matriculation, CARE and CalWORKSs counseling, Extended Opportunities Programs and Services, and Counseling. The counseling program includes the District program, Student Support Services, Extended Opportunities Program and Services, Disabled Student Programs and Services, and the Transfer Center. The Upward Bound Program serves college bound high school students, and Talent Search serves college bound students in junior high and high school.

Imperial Valley College acknowledges the importance of providing appropriate student services and development programs to its diverse student populations in order to facilitate student success. A significant element of the College's program development process is the anticipation of special needs of the target student population and the development of a corollary plan to respond appropriately. These programs typically are designed based on applicable student development theory to include evaluation of program effectiveness.

14. Admissions

Admission to Imperial Valley College is governed by the laws of the State and such supplementary regulations as prescribed by the Board of Trustees. Every effort is made to ensure that access is facilitated in a fair and equitable manner. The admissions policies that have been adopted at Imperial Valley College are consistent with its mission and specify the qualifications of students appropriate for its programs.

15. Information and Learning Resources

Imperial Valley College provides specific long-term access to sufficient information and learning resources and services to support its mission and all of its educational programs. Those resources include the Spencer Library Media Center, the Reading/Writing Lab, the Language Lab, the Tutorial Center, and computer labs. Students have access to computer labs, including the Internet, in the business, nursing, and math divisions, in the Disabled Student Programs and Services Department, in the Workforce Development Center, at extended campuses, and in the library. The library collection consists of 53,177 books, 310 periodical subscriptions, and 13,439 units on microfilm. The library was automated with SIRSI Unicorn system in 1996 and subscribes to four major web-based resources for student research. 

The technology infrastructure for the college consists of a dedicated T1 wide area network line connected to the Imperial County Office of Education. The local area network is on a fiber optic backbone and is backed by a 100-based T network, full-duplex.

Established budget procedures support the continuation of these information and learning resources.
16. Financial Resources

Financial planning supports institutional goals by reflecting the goals set in the Master Plan. An annual budget is developed which reflects realistic assessments of resources available. The budget also reflects accurate expenditure requirements. The planning process includes shared governance through the Planning & Budget committee. The District maintains adequate reserve levels for contingencies and for expansion.

17. Financial Accountability

The District's financial records are subjected to an independent audit by a certified public accountant on a yearly basis. The audit covers all funds under the jurisdiction of the District, including such funds as Trust, and the Associated Student Body funds. The audit is certified and all exceptions are explained. The audit firm employs as a guide Audits of Colleges and Universities, published by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. A copy of the budget and a copy of the audited financial statement are submitted to the Imperial County Office of Education and to the Chancellor's Office.

18. Institutional Planning and Evaluation

Imperial Valley College publishes an institutional master plan approximately every three years. The administration invites participation from all members of the college community. This process documents the intended institutional goals and outcomes. The assessment of previous goals and objectives provides documentation that department/division goals, and subsequently institutional goals, have been met.

In addition to the master planning process, Imperial Valley College has institutionalized several processes for evaluating how it has accomplished its stated mission and goals. These evaluations occur through self-evaluation, accreditation, program review, and matriculation research.

19. Public Information
Imperial Valley College publishes the following in the General Catalog:
  • Accurate and current information that describes its purposes and objectives, admission requirements, and procedures
  • Rules and regulations directly affecting students, programs, and courses
  • Degrees offered and the degree requirements
  • Costs and refund policies
  • Grievance procedures
  • Academic credentials of faculty and administrators
  • Other items relative to attending and withdrawing
20. Relations with the Accrediting Commission

The governing board provides assurance that the institution adheres to the eligibility requirements and accreditation standards and policies of the Commission. Imperial Community College District describes itself in identical terms to all its accrediting agencies, communicates any changes in its accredited status, and agrees to disclose information required by the Commission to carry out its accrediting responsibilities.

  Gilbert M. Dominguez, Chief Executive Officer
  Rebecca Ramirez, President, District Board of Trustees