Learning Outcomes

Institutional, Program & Course Learning Assessments



The mission of the Student Learning Outcomes Committee is to assist Imperial Valley College's campus community in the ongoing assessment of courses, programs, and services which lead to student success. (Standard II.a.2.b)


A Grid demonstrating the relationship between course and Institutional SLOs was developed and piloted.  It will be one component of program level assessments.  Here is a blank form and two examples: 

Course Alignment Matrix for IVC

Course Alignment Matrix for Auto Tech

Course Alignment Matrix for Spanish Nat Spkr Degree

Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

Here is the PLO form for designing and assessing PLOs. It is divided into two phases: Phase I (developing PLOs) and Phase II (assessing PLOs).  Program Learning Outcomes form

A Grid aligning the course-level outcomes to the institutional-level outcomes is also part of PLO assessment (please see above for examples).  A blank template is provided but you may also request the SLO Coordinator to provide you with one for the degree/certificate you are working on: Course Alignment Grid for IVC.rtf

For more information on developing PLOs, please see the Program Learning Outcomes Workbook Summer 2011

Course Learning Assessments

Course-level Student Learning Outcomes identified by IVC Faculty are available for review in the office of the Student Learning Outcomes Coordinator.  By December 31, 2011, we aim to have outcomes identified for all of IVC's courses and to have them available through CurricUNET Course Outlines of Record.  This is a list of some of the course-level outcomes written by IVC Faculty

A review of the 2010-2011 course level cycle assessments can be found in the following attachment.  It includes a review that lists various ways the outcomes process is being used at IVC:  Review of Cycle Assessments 2010-2011.

A review of the 2009-2010 course level cycle assessments can be found in the following attachment.  It includes a review that lists various ways the outcomes process is being used at IVC:  Review of Cycle Assessments 2009-2010.

A review of the 2008-2009 course level cycle assessments can be found in the following attachment.  It includes a list of improvements made based on the SLO process:  REVIEW of SLO CYCLE ASSESSMENTS 08-09