Imperial Valley Master Chorale

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The Imperial Valley Master Chorale

Denny Lang, Director

Donna Marlin, Accompanist

Rehearsals: Mondays, 6:30 -9:40 p.m., Room 305, IVC

Classes are MUS 156, Beginning College Chorus; MUS 157, Intermediate College Chorus and MUS 802, Community Chorus for Older Adults (Noncredit)

Concerts are held at various area locations

Follow Us on FACEBOOK: IVC Master Chorale

Imperial Valley Press interviews Denny Lang and features a Fall concert with the theme of Hollywood. (1.48 minutes)

MUS 156 Beginning College Chorus: Open to all students who have an interest in learning to sing and who enjoy music. Breath control, tone placement, articulation and enunciation. Rehearsal, performance and study of choral literature. Introduction to music theory as a means of learning to read music rather than learning by rote. Maximum credit two units. (Accepted for credit at CSU,UC)


MUS 157 Intermediate College Chorus: Continuation of MUS 156. This course will further students' development in choir performance. Maximum credit two units. (Accepted for credit at CSU)


MUS 802 Community Chorus for Older Adults: Designed for older students who have an interest in learning to sing and who enjoy music. Breath control, tone placement, articulation and enunciation. Rehearsal, performance and study of choral literature. Introduction to music theory as a means of learning to read music rather than learning by rote. The course intends to assist older adults in identifying and examining personal interest and aptitudes in music to enhance mental acuity and creativity, as well as appreciation of the arts.