K-12 Concurrent Enrollment Students


If you are a highly motivated and academically successful student, college courses can augment your high school education. Universities look favorably upon high school students who challenge themselves, and community college courses can provide you with that opportunity. For vocational students, community college courses may offer resources that may not be available at the high school.

The decision to enroll in college courses while still in high school is a serious one. Because high school should be your top priority at this time, it is important to carefully consider the amount of time your college course will take. For every hour spent in class, you should plan to study two hours outside of class. The extra time commitments can be overwhelming, and your grades at high school could suffer. Your Imperial Valley College transcript will become part of your permanent record, and must be declared if you apply to a university. The grades earned at IVC become part of your cumulative college grade point average, regardless of whether you are still in high school when taking the courses. So, carefully consider all issues before making your decision.

Some suggestions to help you with the decision and to help you be successful if you are admitted to IVC:

  • Discuss your interest in concurrent enrollment with your high school counselor He/she can assist you in identifying your goals and deciding whether taking classes at IVC before finishing high school will help you reach those goals. Alternative options may be available that may more appropriately meet your needs. For instance, some districts may have advanced placement courses designed to provide additional opportunities for students. Other options include the Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) program and the Regional Occupational Program (ROP).

  • Make sure you are doing well in every high school course before attempting to enroll in a college course. Don't put your high school grades at risk by taking college courses and

  • If you want to take a course in English, math, or science with a lab, you must meet with an IVC Counselor before submitting your application.

  • Submit this application packet in full as soon as you decide to seek admission to IVC after the Class Schedule for the term is available and no later than two weeks before classes

  • Know the College procedures and regulations differ from those at high school. Protect yourself and your college record by knowing procedures, deadline dates, etc. College is different from high school and you are considered to be a mature adult and are held responsible for adhering to all policies and procedures. Most are found in the Class Schedule booklet every semester. READ IT!

  • Maturity is You will be in class with students of all ages. That is one of the exciting aspects of college classes. Take advantage and listen, participate appropriately, and study. Turn assignments in on time. Come prepared to class.

  • Don't be afraid to ask for We want you to be successful. If you have questions or need help, there are many support services to assist you. Once you enroll, you can take advantage of all of them including counseling, tutoring, and library services to name a few. Ask, ask, and ask again.


In accordance with the California Education Code, Imperial Valley College (IVC) will consider students in grades 11 and 12 for concurrent enrollment as Special Students; students below grade 11 will be considered on a rare- exception basis.

The intent of the "Presley Bill" which allowed for enrollment of K-12 students, was to provide an opportunity for students to take advanced scholastic or vocational courses. Qualified students will be admitted for reasons consistent with the intent of the program. Examples of unacceptable reasons include decreasing the time needed to graduate from secondary school, substituting for course work not available in home-study programs or private schools, and making up for courses in which you have not done well in high school.

Students will not be admitted to take Physical Education (PE) courses. They also will not be admitted to take below college-level English and math which do not meet IVC degree requirements. Admission will be granted for other courses that apply to IVC degree requirements and are scholastic or vocational in nature. Courses, other than PE, are acceptable as long as they are not designated as "Nontransferable, nondegree applicable" in the Class Schedule or Catalog. Refer to the fourth page of this packet for a listing of English and math courses for which admission will not be granted. 

Applicants will be evaluated for readiness for college-level work based on the following (also see later section on the reverse side titled Exceptions to the Above):

  • Cumulative grade point average (GPA). Minimum desired GPA is 3.00 (B average).

  • If cumulative GPA is below 3.00, the application packet must include a strong letter of recommendation from a counselor, principal, or
  • Grade level Students will be expected to complete grade 10 before the semester/term for which they are applying begins. Rare exceptions may be made for highly qualified students below grade 11. At least one letter of recommendation is required for students below grade 11.

  • Personal statement written by the student on why he/she wants and needs to take the course and why permission to do so should be

  • Approval of the IVC course instructor and/or a personal interview with the IVC instructor, counselor, or registrar may be required after the application packet has been


Summer Term: June 1, 2020

Fall Semester: July 30, 2020

 Winter Intersession: December 4, 2020

Spring Semester: January 29, 2021



K-12 Concurrent Enrollment Application