Frequently Asked Questions

Imperial Valley Redistricting Questions and Answers

1. High school or unified school districts in the Imperial Valley College service area have historically been represented on the IVC Board of Trustees. Will this change?

Yes. Previously, each Trustee Member was the direct representative of a high school or unified school district. Under the Federal and California Voting Rights Acts, new districts must be drawn according to population, with each new district representing roughly the same number of people.

2. When will the new district boundaries take effect?

Approved changes would affect the November 2012 elections. This includes changing from “at‐large” elections (where trustees are elected by a county‐wide vote) to “by‐trustee‐area” elections (trustees will now be elected solely by the voters in the district they represent). Trustees who were elected in 2010 will continue to serve through 2014.

3. Why is IVC doing this now?

The Imperial Community College District has not redistricted since its establishment more than 50 years ago. The at‐large system has, over the years, resulted in the election of a diverse membership to the Board in fair and open elections, and no one has demanded that the District change its method of election. However, the “at large election system” may be subject to challenge under the California Voting Rights Act, which became law in 2002. The IVC Board of Trustees felt that this was an opportune time to make the change to “by‐trustee area “ elections and ensure compliance with the Federal Voting Rights Act (“one person one vote”) by redrawing trustee area boundaries using current data from 2010 Census.

4. If IVC tries to the best of its ability to meet the provisions of the California Voting Rights Act, will IVC be protected from lawsuits?

Under the California Voting Rights Act, by‐trustee‐area elections are considered a safe harbor

5. What sort of population numbers must new district boundaries be based on?

The new trustee districts will be drawn based on 2010 Census data. Based upon current data available, each IVC District should have a population of approximately 24,153. As we enter this process, current populations of each district are listed on the attached map. Variances from the idea population range from 86% BELOW the ideal (Trustee Area 7) to 139% IN EXCESS of the ideal (Trustee Area 2). The redistricting will equalize these numbers.

6. Will school districts with higher populations get more trustees?

The primary goal of this process is to ensure that elections for the IVC Board of Trustees comply with the “one person, one vote” standard. Existing districts will not get more or less representation; instead, entirely new district boundaries will be created.

7. Will pending legislation change the way the redistricting process works?

If AB 684 by Assembly Member Marty Block is adopted by the legislature and signed by the governor, IVC will petition to have its redistricting recommendations approved by the California Community Colleges Board of Governors instead of by the California Board of Education.

8. When the redistricting process is complete, when will board members be subject to residency requirements?

Any candidate running for election or re‐election to the IVC Board of Trustees in 2012 will need to live in the district they seek to represent. The three members who were elected in 2010 will continue to serve until 2014 and then will run in their new districts.

9. How will the redistricting process make sure IVC districts continue to represent existing communities of interest?

A Seven‐member Redistricting Advisory Committee and seven alternates have been appointed by the board to represent the current trustee areas. This group will provide input to the board on the proposed new districts. IVC also will be conducting public hearings in each trustee area to give voters a chance to give input in the redistricting process. These forums will be advertised to the public through traditional media (newspaper, radio, etc.) as well as by social media (internet, Facebook, etc.).