Reporting Criminal Activity or other Emergencies

Reporting Criminal Activity or other Emergencies

 When criminal activity is observed or suspected the person, Student, Employee, or Visitor who is first aware of the incident shall notify an "On-Campus" Deputy Sheriff by calling (760) 483-7411 or a Campus Safety Officer (CSO) by calling the Campus Safety and Parking Control Department at (760) 355-6308. If it is an emergency, call 911 and then afterwards inform the Campus Safety Office of the location and details of the observation by completing an incident report. Include in the incident report any losses or damaged property, along with estimated costs. If the incident was first reported to local law enforcement, be sure to include the case number and Officer's name.

The Campus Safety and Parking Control Department must be notified of all crimes occurring on campus or in conjunction with a college activity or location. If you are a Pastoral Counselor or Professional Counselor and a crime has been reported to you, you are encouraged, when appropriate, to inform the person to report crimes on a voluntary and if desired, confidential, basis for inclusion in the annual disclosure of crime statistics.

You may print an Incident Report form using the link below and then turn in the completed report form to the Campus Safety and Parking Control Department, Room 902.

Click here for a printable incident report

Students or employees may also report criminal incidents to persons designated as a Campus Security Authorities (CSA). The following people or positions have been designated by the Imperial Community College District as a CSA:

  1. Vice President For Student Services

  2. Dean Student Affairs and Enrollment Services

  3. On Campus Deputy Sheriff's

  4. Campus Safety Officers

  5. Athletic Director

  6. Clinical Mental Health Counselor, Student Health Services

  7. Athletic Coaches

  8. Faculty Advisor to Student Clubs

Victims or witnesses can remain anonymous when reporting a crime. When possible all personal/identifying information will stay confidential.

For injuries or illnesses involving an employee, contact the Human Resources Office to obtain an Injury and Illness Report form.

Criminal action or other emergency refers to loss/damage to college property, loss/damage to personal property, criminal activity or an injury involving a student or visitor (occurring on campus or while participating in a college activity). The college encourages all persons on campus, to practice low-risk personal defensive behavior, and to be especially alert at night. Students and others are advised to park in well-lit and trafficked areas and to always lock their vehicle. Students should not pickup strangers or accept rides from people they do not know.

You may drop off or pick up an incident report: Imperial Valley College Parking/Security Office room 902.

An "incident" refers to loss/damage to college property, loss/damage to personal property, criminal activity or an injury involving a student or visitor (occuring on campus or participating in a college activity).

For injuries or illnesses involving an employee, contact the Human Resources Office to obtain an Injury and Illness Report form.

When an incident does occur, the person who is first aware of the incident needs to do the following:

    • Notify the Parking Control Office at (760) 355-6308 or Campus Security at (760) 483-7411. If it is an emergency, contact 911 and inform the Parking Control Office of the location and gravity of the matter.

    • Include in the incident report any losses or damaged property, along with estimated costs. For college property, include state tag number(s) and serial number(s).

    • If the incident was reported to law enforcement, be sure to include the case number and Officer's name.

    • Submit completed Incdient Report to the following: IVC Parking Control/Security Office room 902.