Submit Your Artwork

Gallery proposals submitted now will be considered for the 2017-2018 academic year. 

Submissions are reviewed in January for the next academic year by the gallery director, Carol Hegarty, and the gallery committee. The gallery committee consists of all of the art faculty: Dr. Nannette Kelly, Linda Freitas, Jose Bernardo Olmedo, Jorge Estrada, and Luis Hernandez; and community members Alfredo Guzman (artist, art instructor at Holtville High School, IVC alumni), Elizabeth Lopez (artist, curator), Israel Ortega (Baja State galleries), and Marco Vera (Founder of Mexicali Rose, artist, filmmaker, IVC alumni). 


1. Exhibitions/event materials must be at the gallery by the deadline times so that staff will have adequate time to prepare the show.

2. The people involved in the exhibition must work with the Gallery staff as needed in installing and taking down the exhibition/event.

3. The Gallery Director is the curator in charge of all exhibitions. His/her decisions regarding the hanging of the show is the final word.

4. Exhibiting work in the galleries implies no sense of ownership or control of the gallery itself. All gallery rules and times must be respected.

5. The Gallery may be able to help with expenses for advertising and for refreshments at the opening, depending on budgetary constraints. But the artist should be prepared to take on these expenses in the event that the gallery can't.

6. In the event of sales of artworks it is expected that 25% of the sale price be donated to the gallery. This applies to all works in the exhibition. (If someone wants to buy a work that s/he first saw in the exhibition then it is the artist's duty to pay the gallery 25% even if the actual sale takes place after the exhibition is down.)

7. Works on paper (photographs, drawings, prints, watercolors) should have "museum style" matting (white and cream colored mats only. No 'Boutique' matting… i. e., colored mats.)

8. Works on paper should be protected with glazing (glass.) For works more than 16x20" plexiglass should be used instead of glass.

9. Paintings on canvas, wood, or other rigid ground should be "ready to hang" (I;e,, with wire and eye hooks.)

10. If requested the artists and exhibitors must help in restoring the gallery to its original condition. Normally the Gallery Display class does this, but in the event that they aren't available the artist(s) should be prepared to do so.

11. Artists must carry their own insurance on their artwork (or be self-insured) and must sign a completed Art Exhibit Agreement form.

12. Artists who are in one, two or three person shows may not exhibit their artwork in the Gallery for three years from the date of that exhibit.

13. The Gallery does not accept applications from groups who have previously shown in the gallery and does not do repetitive theme exhibitions, except the annual Student Exhibit.

14. If the Artist cannot be present at the opening reception, the Artist agrees to either send a video of him or herself, or interact with students either over Skype or through an Artist talk scheduled when the Artist is able to be present.

15. A majority (50% or more) of the Artwork presented must be completed within the last three years with the exception of a retrospective or memorial exhibit.

16. Artwork presented must present a strong presence and be of a uniform style and technique.

17. Students are not eligible for solo shows. To be eligible for a solo exhibition, the Artist must exhibit a strong body of work and have a substantial national, international, or in some cases, regional career background.

18. The Gallery does not pay for shipping, gas, hotel or other expenses.

19. The Gallery Committee retains the right to occasionally invite Artists to exhibit, however, these rules still apply to those Artists.