<p>I am thrilled to announce that we have been removed from warning status and our accreditation has been reaffirmed by the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges.</p>
I received this great news over the weekend via a phone call from the Commission and the letter was awaiting on the fax when I arrived here this morning.</p>
<div align="center"><strong><a href="images/docs/2010/accjc_letter_removing_warning_and_reaffirming_accreditation_2010-06-30.pdf" title="">View Letter from Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges</a></strong><br />
<p>While we still have other challenges ahead, let's all pause to reflect upon how we came together as a campus team over these past two years to improve our processes and&nbsp; planning to deal with the concerns and recommendations put forward by the Commission.<br />
<br />We noted in our report to the Commission that while we are an imperfect team at times, we are united in our desire to do what is best for students. This was proven in the way we developed a united effort to deal with this accreditation issue.<br />
<br />I want to thank everyone who gave up of their personal time to assist in this effort. We are a better institution because of what we have gone through and our students will definitely be the ultimate beneficiaries. <br />
<br />While there are MANY people who we need to thank, I do want to single out Vice President Kathy Berry and Dean Tina Aguirre for their leadership in this monumental campus wide effort.<br />
Our next Accreditation cycle will take place in 2012 with a new Self Study followed by the Accreditation visit in 2013.<br />
<br />Meanwhile, we will be incorporating the lessons learned from this effort by continually working on Accreditation standards and documenting this work as we move forward. Our Continuous Accreditation Review Team (CART) will be key in this effort.<br />
<br />Let's take this moment to celebrate what we have accomplished as a team.<br />
Thank you all!</p>
<p><br />
Ed Gould, Ed.D. <br />
Superintendent/President<br />
Imperial Community College District</p>