Dear IVC Students,

I hope you are well. First of all, I am extremely grateful for your patience with us through this difficult time. I would like to ensure that I acknowledge the employees of IVC for their hard work, they are trying their best and this transition has also been hard for them. I am emailing you to inform you of various decisions and provide you additional information.

This email covers the following information:

1. Decision regarding Spring and Summer 2020 instruction;

2. Decision regarding commencement;

3. Parking fee refund;

4. COVID-19 excused withdrawal (EW) information;

5. Imperial County Amended Order of the Imperial County Health Officer (document attached) and an update regarding COVID-19 confirmed cases;

6. Decision to return to Modified Campus Closure, Level 2, effective April 7, 2020; and

7. Link to recording of Virtual Student Forum that took place on April 2, 2020.

1. As you are aware the State of California and the world continues to deal with the tremendous impacts of COVID-19 and as a result it was determined that in order to increase our safety, social distancing measures must continue to be adhered to. We are all safer at home. Therefore, we have decided to continue offering instruction and services online during Spring 2020 and Summer 2020.

2. Many students who are expected to graduate Spring or Summer 2020 were surveyed and about 80% of the respondents requested to postpone Commencement. Therefore, we have decided to postpone commencement to July 29, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. and July 30, 2020 at 9:00 a.m.

If it is determined by June 30, 2020 that we will be unable to hold a traditional Commencement in July, students will be informed and we will hold a Virtual Commencement on July 30, 2020. Students would be provided additional details after June 30th and they would be refunded their commencement fees before September 1, 2020.

3. All students who paid for a parking pass, will receive a 75% refund. The refund will be applied to your IVC student account. If you have a balance on your account, this amount will be applied towards that balance. If you do not have a balance, you will have a credit on your account. For those of you that have a credit on your account, a check will be mailed before September 1, 2020.

4. Under the current circumstances, the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office has granted us the opportunity to allow students to withdraw from classes this semester with an EW (Excused Withdrawal). This means that you will not be penalized for dropping your courses this semester. You would go to WebSTAR and click withdraw COVID-19 to finalize the process. This opportunity is being afforded because there is an understanding that the current situation is very difficult for many of you. However, I highly encourage you to continue enrolled and that you complete your semester. You will be one semester closer to achieving your goal.

5. I have attached the Order of the Imperial County Health Officer for your review, it has been extended until further notice. As of today there have been 52 confirmed COVID-19 cases in Imperial County. Additionally, as of today we have not been informed of any confirmed COVID-19 cases related to IVC employees or students.

If you are a student who has tested positive for COVID-19, please email Dr. Lennor Johnson, VP of Student Services and Equity at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to inform him. Your information will remain confidential; however, it is important that I inform you that we will report it to the community and keep the student's information private. The district must be transparent with the community.

6. Moreover, I would like to inform you that as of Tuesday, April 7, 2020, we will return to a Modified Campus Closure, Level 2. This means the following:

● Students and the public will be directed not to come to campus.

No face-to-face instruction will occur during April 7, 2020 to April 10, 2020.

● Effective April 20, 2020, if it safe, some instruction, such as the nursing skills labs and clinical rotations, the POST academy and apprenticeships, etc. will continue to meet face-to-face, unless sites close or restrict access. We will ensure that we follow guidelines recommended by the Imperial County Health Department and the Center for Disease and Control (such as limiting groups to no more than 10). Finally, students in these programs will be contacted by their instructor.

● Classes and services will be held online as feasible, along with provisions for withdrawals, incompletes and make-up work.

● Faculty need to indicate to their dean if they are unable to complete their instructional objectives in an online format and what face-to-face instruction would be needed after the regular end of the spring semester.

● Deliveries to campus will continue as scheduled, once per week.

All employees will be expected to be available by telephone and email during normal work hours.

Employees with specific responsibilities will be required to report to work, unless they are sick, have potentially been exposed to COVID-19 or are at high risk. I have requested that the number of support staff on campus is limited to the minimum. My goal is to have managers and a few support staff members working.

7. Two Student Virtual Forums were held yesterday, April 2nd to provide information and answer questions. One of the forums was recorded, please click the following link: to view the recording.

Finally, I recognize that these decisions may cause anxiety and fear for some and I sincerely apologize. If you are a student that is requested to come to campus and do not feel comfortable, please ensure you communicate with your instructor.

Next Steps:

1. The maintenance team will clean the campus on Monday, April 6, 2020.

2. All entrances will continue to be closed, with the exception of the Aten Road entrance.

3. The summer session schedule will be finalized soon. PS. Please excuse any errors in this email. Thank you for your patience and support. Your health and safety is my utmost priority. We are in this situation together and we will persevere.


Martha O. Garcia, Ed.D.

Superintendent /President

Imperial Valley College

380 East Aten Road Imperial, CA 92251

Phone: (760) 355-6219 / Fax: (760) 355-6461