This is a wonderful Outcomes Handbook designed by the ASCCC. It may be helpful to you as you go through the process of designing outcomes and collecting data: SLO Handout from ASCCC Curriculum Institute.
New in 2011: Here is the updated Cycle Assessment form that includes only the Cycle Assessment portion: Cycle Assessment Form 2011 Here is an example of a completed Cycle Assessment form from the English Department: Cycle Assessment Form Example English Please send a paper copy to the SLO Coordinator and an electronic copy to the SLO Coordinator and person in your department who is collecting them locally.
Here is a reminder of the Course-level SLO Process:
Phase 1: After identifying SLOs and related Institutional ILOs for a class, please discuss the SLOs with others around campus. When you have finished identifying them, please discuss with your department chair or dean the next step, including them in the Course Outline of Record through CurricuNet. This may be your responsibility or the responsibility of someone else in your department. If it is your responsibility, here are some helpful instructions: Curricunet Identifation of SLOs and ILOs
Phase 2 "closing the loop": In order to close the assessment loop, course-level data must be collected and evaluated on an annual on-going basis. Once the data has been collected, evaluated, and discussed with others, please submit a hard and e-copy of the Cycle Assessment form to the SLO Coordinator and an e-copy to the person in your department who is collecting them locally. This is an ongoing process: once per year, an outcome needs to be assessed for the course so that in a three-year period all the identified outcomes have been assessed and can be used with the Program's Comprehensive Review.
This is IVC’s Plan for Course-level SLOs for 2011-2012: NOW LATER Course Level SLO Plan 10-11 to 11-12 As we go forward in the process of improvements, updates will be made.
Thanks for your support,
Office 716