Dear IVC Students,

I hope you are well. I am grateful to all of you for remaining calm and being patient. Please know that I understand that you have concerns about the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19). IVC leadership shares those concerns and considers the health and safety of our entire campus community a top priority. We are preparing now in case a full or partial campus closure is necessary. While we want to be prepared in the event of the need for campus closure, it is important to emphasize that as of today, there have been no positive cases of Coronavirus at Imperial Valley College.

The college is following the latest advisories from the Imperial County Department of Public Health, Department of Public Health, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the California Community College Chancellor's Office. The World Health Organization has officially declared the COVID-19 as a worldwide pandemic.

To protect the health and safety of our students, faculty and staff in the event of a full or partial closure, we need to take the following steps:


· Effective immediately, all out-of-state travel is considered cancelled. All students should avoid travel to areas affected by COVID-19.


· Effective March 16, 2020, all community events scheduled by outside agencies at IVC are cancelled.

· Effective March 16, 2020, all IVC student and employee activities/events scheduled at IVC that are estimated to attract more than 100 people, may be postponed, modified or cancelled. This decision is in accordance with the guidance from the California Department of Public Health on mass gatherings.

· If the campus closes, you should avoid gathering outside at campus.


· All students need to check their IVC and Canvas emails at least daily. Email is the primary mode of communication to our campus. Please read your emails.

o If you do not know your email address, please use this look up system:

o If you would like to forward your IVC emails to your personal email, use this link (you'll need to login to change your email settings): 

If you need assistance accessing your email, please follow these steps:


STEP 1: Go to

STEP 2: Click on For Students

STEP 3: Click on Student Portal

STEP 4: Input your IVC ID (G#) or your social security #

STEP 5: Input your PIN (If it's your first time login into WebSTAR or Student Portal your pin would be your date of birth (mmddyy)

STEP 6: Click on Student Email Info (Located on the top of the page)

STEP 7: Copy your NEW IVC email address

STEP 8: Click on Login URL:http//

STEP 9: Paste your NEW IVC email address to Outlook

STEP 10: Again input your same PIN as in STEP 5 (This PIN will be used for your Email, Student Portal, and WebSTAR)

STEP 11: Select your Language Preference

STEP 12: Click on Time Zone and select Pacific Time (US & Canada)

· We have requested for all faculty to prepare now should the need arise to covert current course offerings and support services to an online format. Students should expect for most of this conversion to be in Canvas and Zoom.

o To access Canvas, use the student portal: 5lZHUv

o If you need help with using Canvas, this is the link to the student Canvas help page: lpdesk/

o Many student support services are already available online here: nts/online-support/

· We are aware that not all students have access to internet services or have access to an electronic device at home. We have asked that instructors be prepared to provided make-up options, if necessary. We have also asked that faculty be as flexible with students as possible. Please be patient as your instructors adapt.

· In general, we do not have any option to provide internet services to students for off-site use.

· If you have your own internet service, we have some electronic devices (laptops) that students may borrow. Please email Tiffany Tukes This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call her at (760) 355-6488 to request a loan.

· The bookstore is offering free ground shipping for any textbooks or other orders. Shop here:

· In the event of campus closure, we will send emails that include instructions to provide support to students experiencing food insecurity. We plan to have food available for students to take home.


IVC leadership in collaboration with the Imperial County Health Department will determine if a closure is necessary. Employees, including hourly and student workers, will be paid per their regular work schedule.

Should it become necessary to close the campus, all students, faculty and staff will be notified by numerous communication methods. These include email, text message, phone message, social media posts and Canvas messages. Students should check their contact information in Regroup to make sure it is up to date.

To do this, please follow the following steps:

1. Access Regroup via Portal Guard at

2. You will need to sign in with your IVC email and password

3. Click on Regroup

4. Click on My Profile on top right corner of page

5. Update your email and phone numbers

6. Make sure that you put a cell phone number as your primary phone number and check the box for Text

7. You can add other phone number and check the box for Voice if that is a land line or text if it is another cell phone number

8. Make sure you check the box entitled "I allow Regroup to send me voice and text messages" on all numbers

9. Make sure you save the changes.

The campus closure levels are:

Level 1: Students will be directed not to come to campus. Classes and services will be moved online as feasible, with provisions for withdrawals, incompletes and make-up work for students. All employees will be required to report to work. Faculty who have migrated their class to an online format will work with their dean on a work location.

Level 2: Students will be directed not to come to campus. Classes and services will be held online as feasible, along with provisions for withdrawals, incompletes and make-up work. Only essential employees will be required to report to work. However, all employees will be expected to be available by telephone and email during normal work hours.

Level 3: All employees and students will be directed not to come to campus. A complete closure of the District. Further direction will be provided.


In the meantime, public health officials continue to stress that the best way to protect against the spread of viruses is to practice good hygiene by taking the following steps:

● If you feel sick OR have been in close contact with a person know to have COVID-19, stay home. Please do not come to campus. Call ahead to your medical provider, if you need screening for COVID-19.

● Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds each time.

· Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands.

· Reduce your contact when welcoming others, use fist pumps instead of handshakes, hugs or high fives.

● Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue and then throw the tissue in the trash.

● Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.

· If you are experiencing illness, you can request to be pre-screened at our campus Student Health Center (located in building 1500, on the south exterior side of the library building). You must call ahead to (760)355-6310 before you go in to get pre-screened. The Student Health Center hours of operation are Monday to Thursday from 8:30am to 4:30pm.

· Moreover, we continue to distribute disinfectant wipes and hand sanitizer around campus. Please use them liberally.

We urge everyone to validate rumors with administration and keep abreast of the latest information. We will continue to remain diligent in this ever-evolving situation.

We care about your educational requirements, success, health and safety and will do our best. I need you to help us as we need to work together through this difficult situation.