In order for students to get the most
benefit from their Lab work, certain guidelines must be followed:
Cell Phones and pagers must be turned off BEFORE students enter the Lab, and must remain off as long as the student is in the Lab.
Students are not allowed to use music players/headphones while they work on Lab assignments. Such things are a distraction to others in the Lab and usually prevent the wearer from concentrating and learning.
Students must check out at the Check In/Out counter any time they leave the Lab, even if it is for just a few minutes.
Lab assignments are designed for individual work, not collaboration. Students caught “sharing” work or working on assignments together will be reminded that they need to work on their own, and a report will be sent to the Teacher. As a tutor for help, not a fellow student.
Food and drink are not allowed in the Lab.
The Reading/Writing Lab is an
English-Only environment:
The Reading/Writing Lab exists to help
students improve their English skills.
One way to do that is to give students
the opportunity to practice using English.
Therefore, Lab personnel are
required to communicate with students only in English.
If you have a question for a tutor or
any other member of the Lab staff, please ask it in English.