Here is a list that includes some of the projects being worked on during 2011-2012 by the SLO Committee and Coordinator:
Flex Day, sections on SLOs & PLOs
improving materials and ease of use
transfering to new IVC website (ongoing)
ongoing work to help faculty include and update SLOs in COR
Program Learning Outcomes
Here is a list that includes some of the projects being worked on during 2009-2010 by the SLO Committee and Coordinator:
Spring Assessment (by June 2010)
SLO Quiz (by June 2010)
Website Improvement (ongoing)
SAO section (by May 2010)
Program SLOs (by June 2010)
Campus-Wide Communication (ongoing/monthly)
Provide approved minutes to Academic Senate and upon request
Continue to update minutes and agendas for SLO Committee
Improve Website
Continue Development of Program Assessment Plan
Pilots are being implemented (2009-2010)
Weave into Comprehensive Program Review (Fall 2010)
Increase # of Outcomes Per Course to Meet Minimum (2009-2010)
Increase # of Courses with Completed Cycle Assessments (Ongoing & 2009-2010)
Increase Adjunct Involvement (Ongoing)