ࡱ> NPM{ Ibjbjzz 44; ((8,\`-VllllGGG,,,,,,,$h/2X-GGGGG-ll-GLll,G,*+l*@o+,0-0`-+^r2~r2,+r2+GGG--GGG`-GGGGr2GGGGGGGGG( H: SLO Cycle Assessment Form Please type on this form. Do not submit handwritten forms. Course: PE 209/210 Semester data collected: Spring 2012Date this form was completed: 10/15/12# of sections offered: 1# of sections assessed: 1Data Collected from: (Check all that apply) FT Faculty ___X___ PT Faculty ______ Day ______ Evening _____ Hybrid/Online__X___ Weekend______1. People involved in summarizing & evaluating data (minimum of two)Tyson Aye and Dave Drury2. Please list the SLO(s) that was (were) assessed. Include the description listed on the Course Record of Outline. Identify career fields in Physical Education and Exercise Science.3. Data results Briefly summarize the data. (Please see instructions).I assigned a paper in which students were to identify a career field in Physical Education and Exercise, and how they could enhance their professional development within the chosen career field. 17 of 18 students were able to clearly identify a field within Physical Education and Exercise Science.4a. Course/Program Improvements Please describe what change(s) you plan to implement based on the above results 4b. Will this include a change to the curriculum (i.e., course outline)? Yes No I dont plan any changes.5. How did the SLO(s) contribute to student acquisition of the Institutional Learning Outcome(s) (ILOs)? For example, if ILO #1 (communication skills) was identified as being related to this SLO, then please write a sentence or two supporting the relationship. IVCs 5 ILOs: ILO1 = Communication Skills ILO2 = Critical Thinking Skills ILO3 = Personal Responsibility ILO4 = Information Literacy ILO5 = Global Awareness  ILO2-Students had to not only find a career field within PE and Exercise Science, but also had to come up with ways to enhance their professional development within the chosen career field. 6. Next Steps Was the process effective? Will you change the outcome/assessment (e.g., alter the SLO, assessment, faculty discussion process, strategy for providing SLO to students)? If so, how?Yes, I will continue to use this assignment.7. After Thoughts Feel free to celebrate, vent, or otherwise discuss the processN/A For instructions on how to fill out this form, click here: HYPERLINK "http://www.imperial.edu/ivc/files/student_learning_outcomes/Forms/DRAFT SLO Cycle Assessment Form Guidelines.docx"SLO Cycle Assessment Form Guidelines Or visit the IVC SLO Website: http://www.imperial.edu/faculty-and-staff/campus-committees/student-learning-outcomes/slo-forms-and-handouts/      -WX`fjklzĻ͚ͯyͣ͑mdYmdhR"h8CJaJhfw5CJaJhR"hfw5CJaJhR"hm Z5CJaJhR"hcN5CJaJhcN5CJaJhb5CJaJhR"hR"5CJaJhR"hY5CJaJhGm5CJaJh85CJaJhR"h^5CJaJhY hR"5 hK 5hR"hb5CJaJhR"hY5CJaJWXkl $IfgdR" $Ifgd^ $Ifgdg$a$  F G dXXXXRRRR$If $$Ifa$gdkd$$Ifl4FF) /*  [ *    2d44 l` a f4pytg     + , 7 F G a h p q t Y Z ŽеЭЩ|pdp`\h+PhxhR"hR"5CJaJhR"h+P5CJaJhYhG%whcNhR"hm Z5CJaJhR"hY5CJaJh5CJaJhfwhgCJaJhxCJaJhcNCJaJhR"hCJaJhR"hfwCJaJhR"h5CJaJhR"hfw5CJaJhR"h85CJaJ!G [RL$If $Ifgdm Zkd$$Ifl4`FTj*  *    2d44 l` a f4pytK  $Ifgd Z ys$If $IfgdR"|kd$$Ifl4f0j*  *2d44 l` a f4pytK   ysja $Ifgdx $Ifgdg <$If $Ifgdm Z|kdd$$Ifl40j*  *2d44 l` a f4pytK       3 4     z { ,-̴zodXXhR"he 5CJaJhR"h4CJaJhR"h+PCJaJhR"h 5CJaJhR"hGK>*CJaJhR"h"{05CJaJhR"hR#CJaJhR"hGKCJaJhR"hm Z5CJaJhR"hGK5CJaJh5CJaJh+ahxhR"hR"CJaJhR"h+aCJaJhR"h+a5CJaJ!  3 4  yssssssss$If $Ifgdm Z|kd$$Ifl40j*  *2d44 l` a f4pytK    z { (Efyypggggggg $Ifgde  $Ifgd4 $Ifgdm Z|kd$$Ifl4y0j*  *2d44 l` a f4pytK  }~8Dqpgaaaa$If $Ifgdm Z|kd$$Ifl40j*  *2d44 l` a f4pytK  $Ifgd $Ifgd4 |}~78CDprsu{c/hYB*CJOJPJQJ_HmHnHphtHhR"h+aCJaJhR"h+a5CJaJhR"hm Z5CJaJh5CJaJhR#he 5 h"{05 h+Bf5hR#h+a5h+a h+a5 hR"5 hm Z5 h5hm Zh ,hxh hR"he 5CJaJhR"he CJaJqrysss$If $Ifgdm Z|kd4$$Ifl4 0j*  *2d44 l` a f4pytK ;=>@ACD~~~~~~|kd$$Ifl4x0j*  *2d44 l` a f4pytK ;<>?ABDEHIдlUA95959595h4jh4U'hmB*PJ_HaJmHnHphtH-hmhhB*PJ_HaJmHnHphtH(hmhR"0JPJ_HaJmHnHtH<jhmho B*PJU_HaJmHnHphtH'ho B*PJ_HaJmHnHphtH6jhmhR"B*PJU_HaJmHnHphtH-hmhR"B*PJ_HaJmHnHphtH/hhB*CJOJPJQJ_HmHnHphtHDFGHI21F:pR"/ =!"#$%` $$If!vh#v #v #v[:V l4F *5 5 5[/ 2d` a f4pytg$$If!vh#v#v#v :V l4` *555 / 2d` a f4pytK $$If!vh#v#v :V l4f *55 / 2d` a f4pytK $$If!vh#v#v :V l4 *55 / 2d` a f4pytK $$If!vh#v#v :V l4 *55 / 2d` a f4pytK $$If!vh#v#v :V l4y *55 / 2d` a f4pytK $$If!vh#v#v :V l4 *55 / 2d` a f4pytK $$If!vh#v#v :V l4 *55 / 2d` a f4pytK $$If!vh#v#v :V l4x *55 / 2d` a f4pytK mDyK yK http://www.imperial.edu/ivc/files/student_learning_outcomes/Forms/DRAFT SLO Cycle Assessment Form Guidelines.docxyX;H,]ą'c^     2 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~_HmH nH sH tH @`@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH ```  Heading 2$@&,5B*CJOJPJQJ_HmH phsH tH DA D Default Paragraph Fontdi@d  Table Normal.a44l44l (k (No List hoh Header & Footer  $%B*OJPJQJ_HmH phsH tH NoN Body)B*CJOJPJQJ_HmH phsH tH 6U`6 R" Hyperlink >*B*phFV`!F FollowedHyperlink >*B*phPK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭V$ !)O^rC$y@/yH*񄴽)޵߻UDb`}"qۋJחX^)I`nEp)liV[]1M<OP6r=zgbIguSebORD۫qu gZo~ٺlAplxpT0+[}`jzAV2Fi@qv֬5\|ʜ̭NleXdsjcs7f W+Ն7`g ȘJj|h(KD- dXiJ؇(x$( :;˹! 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