ࡱ> SUR SbjbjVV *><<E 87,c\.I.K.K.K.K.K.K.$0t3Zo.o..LI.I.A,-tB2 VR,5..0.-3N@30-3-o.o..3 : SLO Cycle Assessment Form 1. Course Number & Date form was completedCourse: Human Physiology (CRN 10686) Date: 20 May 20112. People involved in summarizing & evaluating data (minimum of two)Tom Morrell (author, data collector, evaluator) & Susan Moss (reviewer of CAF)3. Semester data was collected (e.g., Spring 2011)Fall 20104. Please list the SLO(s) that was (were) assessed. Write it out.Display critical thought related to evaluating early disease detection by conducting a urinalysis evaluation5. Data results Briefly summarize the results of the data.12 of 15 students in the class participated in this lab All students successfully evaluated the color, pH, and specific gravity of their urine. 6a. Course/Program Improvements Please describe what change(s) you plan to implement based on the above results 6b. Will this include a change to the curriculum (i.e., course outline)? Yes No X None. I found this an outstanding lab. If monies exist I would like to purchase a urinalysis kit that includes additional tests. As the 3 tests performed did not fill a full 3 hour lab period.7. When SLOs were previously written, Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILOs) were identified as part of that process. How did the SLO(s) contribute to student acquisition of the Institutional Learning Outcome(s) (ILOs)? For example, if ILO #1 (communication skills) was identified as being related to this SLO, then please write a sentence or two supporting the relationship. IVCs 5 ILOs: ILO1 = Communication Skills ILO2 = Critical Thinking Skills ILO3 = Personal Responsibility ILO4 = Information Literacy ILO5 = Global Awareness  This written assignment facilitated critical thinking as students had to evaluate whether or not their urine color, pH, and specific gravity where within normal ranges. Thus, this SLO contributed to 2 ILOs (1,2,) and possibly ILO 3 as monitoring ones health is a component of personal responsibility. 8. Next year Was the process effective? Will you change the outcome/assessment (e.g., alter the SLO, assessment, faculty discussion process, strategy for providing SLO to students)? If so, how?No9. After Thoughts Feel free to celebrate, vent, or otherwise discuss the process The SLO Cycle Assessment Form Guidelines 1. Please list the course number and date that cycle assessment form was completed. 2. To encourage collaboration and the sharing of ideas, each form must be completed by at least two people. If you are the only one teaching the course, you are encourage to share your data results and improvement methods with at least one other member of the faculty, administration, staff or student population. Please list the names of all who were involved in summarizing or evaluating the data. 3. Include the semester when the data was included (e.g., Spring 2011). 4. List the SLO(s) that was (were) assessed (e.g., identify, create, and critique oral argument). 5. Please summarize the data that you collected. Include how well students scored on the assessment. You might also include: how many instructors submitted data (fulltime, parttime); the type of data that was submitted (rubric scores, practical test results, etc); and, as appropriate, if a cross-section of classes (day, evening, online) were assessed. For example, if a rubric was used, you might discuss the number of students who scored 1, 2, 3, or 4, on the rubric. Your original data results, or your raw data, should be kept within your department for three years. 6a. This is an opportunity to have a rich discussion with others involved in education. Please describe any changes that will be implemented based on the data. Changes might be made to class activities, assignment instructions, evaluations, topics taught in class, or the course outline of record, etc. You might include when the changes will be implemented and, if a comparison is to be made, when the next round of data will be collected (e.g., Fall 2012). 6b. Answer Yes or No to the curriculum question if yes, please briefly explain. 7. This recently added section is very important because it allows us to document different ways that students are acquiring the 5 ILOs. We state that Upon completion of a degree, program, or certificate, a student will complete coursework at Imperial Valley College demonstrating competency in communicating skills, critical thinking skills, personal responsibility, information literacy, and global awareness. We need to demonstrate that this is occurring. Please refer to the Strive for Five form for more of an in-depth description of ILOs. 8. This provides an opportunity to discuss what went well and what could be improved. If the SLO needs to be tweaked or more outcomes/assessments need to be included you might want to do that now while the information is fresh. This may allow faculty to modify SLO(s) for next year and include them on next years syllabus. 9. Please share your thoughts, feelings, and ideas on IVCs SLO process thus far.  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