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Institution: Imperial Valley College (115861)(4) User ID: P51158611
Hide Menu Part F - Instructional Activity Instructions Instructions
expanded menu group Count by R/E
expanded menu group Count by age
expanded menu group Residence
expanded menu group Total Entering Class
expanded menu group Unduplicated Count
collapsed menu group Instructional Activity
 Activity Reporting
 current screen Instructional Activity
expanded menu group Retention
12-month instructional activity 
Level of course  Total 12-month activity 
Contact hour activity for occupational (undergraduate) programs


Credit hour activity for academic programs  
  Undergraduate programs 
Based on the hours reported, the institution's estimated full-time equivalent (FTE) enrollment is: 
Undergraduates   4,603 
Click here to see HOW FTE IS CALCULATED 
NCES uses estimated FTE enrollment to calculate expenses by function per FTE and core revenues per FTE as reported in the NPEC IPEDS Data Feedback Report. If the estimate above is not reasonable for your institution, please provide your best estimate of undergraduate FTE for the reporting year identified on Parts E/F 12-Month Selection: 
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