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Institution: Imperial Valley College (115861)(4) User ID: P51158611
Hide Menu Part G - Retention Rates Instructions Instructions
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collapsed menu group Retention
 current screen Retention Rates
 In order to calculate retention rates, please do the following:

1) Establish your cohorts (full time separate from part time) of first-time degree/certificate-seeking students, which consists of those enrolled at your institution in fall 2004 (including those enrolled for the first time the preceding summer term).
2) COUNT the number of students in each cohort who either re-enrolled (or are still enrolled) at your institution in fall 2005 OR successfully completed their program by fall 2005.
3) Calculate the retention rates (see formula below)

Use your institution’s official fall reporting date when calculating these percentages. Please report full-time and part-time percentages separately. The student status (full- or part-time) should be based on the fall 2004 status, even if this has changed by fall 2005. 
 For institutions that use a full-year cohort: Use the period August 1 through October 31 to define the retention cohort.

NOTE: The fall 2004 cohort data used for these calculations may be adjusted for students who left the institution for any of the following reasons: died or were totally and permanently disabled; to serve in the armed forces (including those called to active duty); to serve with a foreign aid service of the Federal Government, such as the Peace Corps; or to serve on official church missions. These are exclusions, and may be subtracted from the cohort prior to calculating the retention rate. Do not include those students who transferred into the institution as part of your fall cohort. 
(Re-enrolled or still enrolled at institution in fall 2005 + Completed program prior to fall 2005 (from step 2 above) ) * 100 /
(Fall 2004 cohort (from step 1 above) – Exclusions from fall 2004 cohort) 
 Full-time rate  71   % 
 Part-time rate  54   % 
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