[ TEAS ]

TEAS - Test of Essential Academic Skills, Version V (5)


To promote student success, the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s office has recommended the ATI® Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) be utilized as a pre-admission test with a cut score of 62% or higher prior to applying for admission into a registered nursing program. 

The TEAS is a computerized exam consisting of 170 multiple choice questions that provide a basic diagnostic assessment of a person’s knowledge of Math, English, Reading and Science.  A study guide and practice exams for the TEAS can be found online @ http://www.atitesting.com/Solutions/PreNursingSchool/TEAS.aspx

Students must set up an account with ATI® prior to taking TEAS and must remember their username and password to login to the exam.  To take a pencil-paper version, the student must have a DSP&S Disability Verification and Test Proctoring Notice on file in IVC’s DSP&S office.  TEAS will take up to 3.5 hours to complete and is offered in the IVC Nursing Learning Center in building 2100.  Calculators are not allowed and scratch paper will be provided if needed.  Call (760)355-6530 for test dates and times.

The IVC nursing program admission criteria includes points awarded based on passing TEAS at the cut score or higher.

  1. Students who have taken TEAS at another location and passed at the cut score should contact ATI to request an electronic transcript be sent to the IVC nursing office in care of laura.hartsock@imperial.edu
  2. Students who do not achieve the cut score on the 1st attempt must work with the nursing tutors to develop a remediation plan and for guidance in implementing the plan prior to retaking TEAS.  It is highly recommended that a remediating student allow sufficient time for implementing their plan which may require applying to the program in the next application period.
  3. Students who do not achieve the cut score on the 2nd attempt are ineligible for admission into the IVC nursing program.  Therefore, remediation is critical.

As of January 2011, TEAS V is used for testing; all previous versions of TEAS will not be accepted.  The subtests include the following:

  • Math: numbers and operations, algebraic applications, data interpretation and measurement.
  • Reading: covers paragraph and passage comprehension, and inferences and conclusions.
  • English:  cover grammar, word meanings in context, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure.
  • Science: covers anatomy, physiology, life, earth and physical science and scientific reasoning.

For more information, contact the IVC Nursing Learning Center at (760)355-6530