An IVC Story...

    Leslie Chavira - With IVC’s graduation less than a month away Leslie Chavira, a Southwest graduate from Heber, typifies many of the driven and focused students who will be leaving the oasis of Imperial Valley College heading for four year universities.     

Entering IVC the summer after high school  Leslie has worked hard to graduate with her A.S. degree in just two years.  In the Fall she will be starting classes at Cal Poly Pomona for a degree in Industrial Engineering - but not before leaving IVC with some accolades and scholarships.    

Recently selected as a recipient for the Southern California Gas Company scholarship, Leslie has also juggled her studies at IVC with  helping other students and the college.  Serving as an official tutor to other IVC        students has been rewarding, so much so that Leslie often tutors people on her own.  A math whiz, she enjoys helping others. 

    A favorite memory of IVC for Leslie will be her Psych 101 class taught by the popular professor Krista Byrd.  “She was really fun & engaging!  She brought the subject out of the book and into our daily lives”, said Chavira.  “I hope I have as good of professors as her at Cal-Poly!”

    It’s our hope that we have more students like Leslie!