[ Research,PlanningandGrantsAdministration ] The Imperial Valley College (IVC) Grant Administration Office (GAO) is responsible for identifying and developing sources of external funding which will support the overall mission of IVC. These funds are generally available through contracts, grants, and cooperative agreements upon successful application to a variety of public and private funding sources. The Grant Administration Office will serve as a clearinghouse for every grant proposal, competitive or non-competitive, submitted by IVC. While it is not necessary for the director of GAO to be involved in the preparation of every grant, the approval process provides a tracking system to identify funders who are approached, types of that are being applied for, the amount of grant funding applied for, and the amount of funding received by the college. The GAO provides technical assistance throughout the pre-award and the post-award process. The Grant Oversight Committee meets regularly to review grants and funding opportunities. Where do I start?I have an idea that would make a good project, but I need help finding funding. Start Here: Grant Search Request I have identified a grant and a funding source and I am ready to begin writing the grant Start Here: Grant Application Notification Forms, Instructions, and Tips |